How to Grow Spring Onions
Did you know, Spring Onions are not Spring Onions? Well, at least they're not what you think they are. In Australia, when most people think of Spring Onions, they're actually referring to Green Onions. They have long, hollow green leaves with a barely-there bulb. Unlike 'true' Spring Onions (which are immature Onions), Green Onions do not form a bulb at all. Confusingly, Green Onions are also commonly called Spring Onions, Shallots and even Eschalots.
Full sun
Water well, keeping soil moist
Well drained, loose soil with good organic matter
Suitable for all climatic zones
Whole plant after about 3 months
In tropics/sub-tropics all year round, warm and cool temperate zones from early Spring to Autumn