Psyllid Control in Your Garden

Hemiptera : Psyllidae, Triozidae

Psyllids (pronounced 'sillids') are sap-sucking insects related to AphidsWhiteflies and Scale Insects. The most common Psyllids in gardens are members of the families Psyllidae and Triozidae, and there are about 400 species that occur in Australia.

Australia has a unique group of psyllids that produce sugary waxy coverings known as 'lerps', which are common on Gum Trees.

There are other psyllids that cause galls to form on the leaves of Gum Trees, as well as the notorious Lilly Pilly Psyllid, which cause gross distortions of Lilly Pilly leaves. There are also 'free-living' psyllids that don't form galls or lerps.

Image above: adult Lilly Pilly Psyllid on leaf covered in pit galls (image courtesy of Denis Crawford)

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