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Reapply every 3 weeks, if necessary.
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Reapply every 6 weeks, if necessary.
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We do not recommend using Yates Weed 'n' Feed Granular in a spreader. We recommend applying the product by hand while wearing gloves or by using the Yates Weed 'n' Feed Granular Shaker.
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Yes, staining can occur. Don't allow the product to spill or blow onto hard or non-lawn surfaces. Dry sweep immediately if any product does settle on the hard surfaces.
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We do not recommend applying Yates Weed 'n' Feed Concentrate within 24 hours of expected rain, as the product may wash away and become ineffective.
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Reapply every 3 weeks, if necessary.
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In a watering can, dilute 300 mL of Yates Weed 'n' Feed Concentrate into 9 L of water and apply over 20 square metres.
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We do not recommend applying Yates Weed 'n' Feed Granular within 24 hours of expected rain, as the product may wash away and become ineffective.
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We recommend not to mow or fertilise your lawn for 7 days before or after applying Yates Weed 'n' Feed.
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We do not recommend using Yates Weed 'n' Feed Hose On in a pressure sprayer and are unable to provide a rate for this application. If you prefer to apply Yates Weed n Feed by pressure sprayer we recommend using Yates Weed 'n' Feed Concentrate. Please only use according to directions on label.
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Step 1 - Measure the size of the lawn
How much you need to apply is based on the size of your lawn. The best way of measuring your lawn is using a measuring tape or using our Turf Calculator.
Step 2 - Calculate the amount of product required
Apply 1 kg of Weed 'n' Feed Granular over 15 square metres OR;
Apply 66 grams of Weed 'n' Feed Granular per 1 square metre of lawn (TIP - One adult handful holds approximately 50 grams of Weed 'n' Feed Granular).
For example, if your lawn measures 100 square metres, you will need to apply 6.6 kg of Yates Weed 'n' Feed Granular.
Do not exceed the rate of application.
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Step 1 - Measure the size of the lawn
How much you need to apply is based on the size of your lawn. The best way of measuring your lawn is using a measuring tape or using our Turf Calculator.
Step 2 - Calculate the amount of product required
Apply 1 L of Weed 'n' Feed Hose On per 65 square metres OR 15.4 mL of Weed 'n' Feed Hose On per 1 square metre of lawn.
TIP - One 4 L Bottle of Weed 'n' Feed Hose On treats up to 260 square metres!
For example, if your lawn measures 100 square metres, you will need to apply 1.54 L of Yates Weed 'n' Feed Hose On.
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Step 1 - Measure the size of the lawn
How much you need to apply is based on the size of your lawn. The best way of measuring your lawn is using a measuring tape or using our Turf Calculator.
Step 2 - Calculate the amount of product required
Apply 1 L of Yates Weed 'n' Feed Buffalo Lawn Hose On to 50 square metres OR 20 mls of Yates Weed 'n' Feed Buffalo Lawn Hose On per 1 square metre of lawn.
For example, if your lawn measures 100 square metres, you will need to apply 2 L of Yates Weed 'n' Feed Buffalo Lawn Hose On.
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Step 1 - Measure the size of the lawn
How much you need to apply is based on the size of your lawn, and method of application. The best way of measuring your lawn is using a measuring tape or using our Turf Calculator.
Step 2 - Choose the method of application
One 9 L watering can can treat up to 20 square metres OR a 4.5 L Garden Sprayer can treat up to 10 square metres.
Step 3 - Calculate the amount of product required
Watering can: Dilute 300 mL of Yates Weed 'n' Feed Concetrate into 9 L of water and apply over 20 square metres
Garden Sprayer: Dilute 150 mL of Yates Weed 'n' Feed Concetrate into 4.5 L of water and apply over 10 square metres
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If the weather is above 30° C, refrain from using Weed 'n' Feed products on your lawn to prevent any potential harm as the lawn may be heat or moisture stressed. Wait for a cooler day to apply.
If you live in an area where it has been dry or you have not watered the lawn regularly, it is best to apply a soil wetter to the area one week prior to application of Yates Weed 'n' Feed products.
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When using Yates Weed 'n' Feed Buffalo Lawns Hose-On with a watering can, dilute 400 mL of the product in 9 L of water. Apply this mixture evenly over 20 square meters. For best results, use a sprinkle bar to ensure even distribution.
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When using Yates Weed 'n' Feed Hose-On with a watering can, dilute 300 mL of the product in 9 L of water. Apply this mixture evenly over 20 square meters. For best results, use a sprinkle bar to ensure even distribution.
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Do not water the lawn until the product has completely dried, and wait at least 24 hours after application before watering.
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After the recommended 48 hours, thoroughly water the product into the soil until there are no visible signs of the product and the soil is saturated. This will wash the product off the lawn leaves and move the product into the soil.
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Water Pressure:
There can be a huge variance in water pressures throughout Australia, some people will require their tap to be fully open while others only halfway.
Tube Has Detached:
To see if the tube is inserted properly to the inside of the cap, the cap will first need to be removed. To remove the cap, grab the bottle by the handle and with the other hand grab on to the applicator's hose attachment and lever it away from your self. Please make sure you are wearing Personal Protective Equipment - such as goggles and plastic gloves - when handling the product.
Air Bubble Has Formed:
If the tube is inserted properly, to remove any bubbles in the internal tube, while the applicator flap is open and the hose (female connector) is attached to the product's applicator hose attachment (male connector), grab the product by the handle, turn on the water at the tap, then tilt the bottle sideways 45 degrees, allow the water to flow through the applicator for 30 seconds.
Still Having Trouble?
If you're still having trouble after trying the steps we've mentioned, feel free to contact our team through Live Chat or our Contact Us form for help. We're here to assist you.
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Do not feed treated grass clippings to poultry, livestock, or use them as mulch for plants. Wait 7 days after applying the product and mow the lawn with a catcher and dispose of the clippings in the bin. After the lawn has been mowed, ruminant pets (grass-eaters) can return to the treated area.
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It's best to dispose of grass clippings from your first mow after using Yates Weed 'n' Feed. You can start composting clippings from subsequent mows.
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For Yates Weed 'n' Feed, keep pets and children out of the area until the spray has dried. Choosing a day with favourable weather conditions can help the product dry more quickly and reduce the time your lawn is off-limits.
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For Yates Weed 'n' Feed Granular, keep people, pets, and children away from the area until the product has been watered in.
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Yes, you can compost clippings after the first mow.
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Once the product has been watered in (48 hours after application), it is safe to allow ruminant pets (grass-eaters) onto the lawn.
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We do not recommend mixing Yates Weed 'n' Feed products with any other product.
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Which Product
Yes, Yates also have granular weedkillers such as Yates Weed 'n' Feed Granular, Yates Weed 'n' Feed Buffalo Lawn Granular and Yates 3.25kg Weed 'n' Feed Granular Shaker. The products are applied to moist grass and left for 48 hours before they are watered into the lawn.
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Yates Weed 'n' Feed is an easy-to-apply solution to treat a range of weeds over a large area quickly. If you have a small lawn or a small number of weeds, use Yates Weed 'n' Feed Concentrate, which can be mixed in a watering can or garden sprayer for precise application, or if you prefer the granular product, use Yates Weed 'n' Feed Granular Shaker.
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Yates Weed ‘n' Feed Hose-On is safe to use on most established lawns such as Kikuyu, Couch, and Queensland Blue Couch. It is also available in a concentrate form, Yates Weed 'n' Feed Concentrate, which can be diluted and used in a sprayer or watering can.
If you have an established Buffalo lawn* (Sir Walter, Sapphire, Palmetto, King's Pride, Prestige), it's best to use Yates Weed 'n' Feed Buffalo Lawn Hose On. This product can also be safely used on Kikuyu, Couch, Queensland Blue Couch, Bent, Fescue, Paspalum, and Ryegrass.
*ST varieties of Buffalo such as ST85 and ST26 are more susceptible to the herbicide and this product should not be used on them.
If a granular option is preferred, Yates Weed 'n' Feed Granular is safe to use on established lawns such as Buffalo, Kikuyu, Couch, and Queensland Blue Couch.
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Visible signs of weed death (i.e. yellowing or bronze colouring around the leaf edges, wilting) occur within 48 hours, with full effects in up to 3 weeks. Reapplications may be required for severe weed infestations.
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Do not use Yates Weed 'n' Feed Concentrate on lawns that are new or less than 3 months old. To control weeds in this situation, it's best to hand weed or manually remove them. Alternatively, use the Yates Zero Weeding Brush to apply Yates Zero Concentrate directly to the weeds, avoiding contact with the lawn.
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Do not use Yates Weed 'n' Feed Granular on lawns that are new or less than 6 months old. To control weeds in this situation, it's best to hand weed or manually remove them. Alternatively, use the Yates Zero Weeding Brush to apply Yates Zero Concentrate directly to the weeds, avoiding contact with the lawn.
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Yates Weed ‘n’ Feed products do not have specific expiry dates. As long as they have been stored in the closed, original container in a cool, dry place out of direct sunlight, Yates Weed ‘n’ Feed products will remain effective for at least 2 years after the Date of Manufacture (see DOM printed on the packaging). Over time, product effectiveness may become slightly reduced.
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Yes, the effectiveness of Yates Weed 'n' Feed products is supported by rigorous testing and regulation by the Australian Pesticides & Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA). During the registration process, companies must demonstrate their products' efficacy through extensive trials.
For best results, apply Yates Weed 'n' Feed at the first signs of weed infestation. Light infestations are easier to manage and require fewer reapplications. Make sure to apply the product before weeds have flowered and set seed.
Yates Weed 'n' Feed Hose-On, Concentrate, and Granular products can be used year-round. However, avoid applying Yates Weed 'n' Feed Granular when the lawn is dormant, as the lawn recovers more effectively during its active growth phase.
If you have further questions or would like more information, feel free to contact our team through Live Chat or our Contact Us form for help. We're here to assist you.
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Visible signs of weed death (i.e. yellowing or bronze colouring around the leaf edges, wilting) occurs within a few days, with full effects in up to 3 weeks. Reapplications may be required for severe weed infestations.
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The gap between the lid and the product allows the Yates Weed 'n' Feed Granular Shaker to be evenly distributed to your lawn area. Each container will contain 3.25kg of product.
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Yates Weed 'n' Feed can be applied at any time of the year, when weeds are actively growing*. Visible signs of weed death occurs within 48 hours, with full effects in up to 3 weeks.
It should not be applied if shade temperatures exceed 30˚C, the lawn is under moisture stress, in windy weather or when rain is predicted within 24 hours. If you are unsure on when to apply, contact our team through Live Chat or our Contact Us form for further information.
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Yes. You can aerate or core your lawn before applying Yates Weed 'n' Feed.
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Please contact our team through Live Chat or our Contact Us form for further information.
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We do not recommend using Yates Weed 'n' Feed products at the same time as other products. Follow these guidelines when applying Yates Weed 'n' Feed with other products:
Fertilisers and soil improvers: Do not fertilise the lawn 7 days before or after application.
Topdressing: If using Yates Weed 'n' Feed Hose-On, wait at least 3 weeks before applying topdressing. For Yates Weed 'n' Feed Granular, wait until the lawn has fully recovered to its normal state.
Herbicides: For selective broadleaf weedkillers: Do not apply another product within 3 weeks after using Yates Weed 'n' Feed Hose-On or within 6 weeks after using Yates Weed 'n' Feed Granular. For selective non-broadleaf weedkillers (e.g., Munns Professional Winter Grass Killer), wait at least 48 hours after applying Yates Weed 'n' Feed.
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Yates Weed 'n' Feed Hose-On is not suitable for Buffalo lawns. If you have mistakenly applied it to the lawn, it's best to water the lawn thoroughly after application. This will help dilute or wash away the product. Observe your lawn over the next three weeks and if no adverse reaction is observed, you can apply Yates Weed 'n' Feed Buffalo Lawn Hose On.
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The lawn will turn black for a few days but will recover to its normal state. Ensure that you water the lawn well 48 hours after you apply the Yates Weed 'n' Feed Granular.
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It is best to wait 3 weeks after to see what results have occurred before reapplying. Applying again straight away could add to the residual herbicide and cause damage to the lawn.
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It is best to wait 6 weeks after to see what results have occurred before reapplying. Applying again straight away could cause damage to the lawn.
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Yates Weed 'n' Feed products are selective herbicides that control broadleaf weeds growing in your lawn. When used as directed on the label, this product will not damage your lawn. To ensure safe and effective use, please thoroughly read and understand all instructions on the label before application. Here are some key considerations to review before each use:
Apply the correct amount: Measure your lawn area before application to calculate the amount of Yates Weed 'n' Feed you will need. Apply the recommended amount of product evenly across the designated area to avoid over-application.
If you accidentally over-apply Yates Weed 'n' Feed, immediately and thoroughly water the area to help flush and dilute the product. This can help minimise potential damage to your lawn.
Apply to a non-stressed lawn: Lawn stressors include drought, underwatering, water-repellent soil, waterlogging, overwatering, excessive fertilisation, heat, frost, and more. Applying any product to a stressed lawn can lead to damage. Most lawn stress arises from insufficient water or soils that do not absorb water properly.
If you live in a dry area or have not been watering your lawn consistently, consider applying a soil wetter and thoroughly water it in at least one week before applying other products.
Only use on recommended lawns: Ensure the product is suitable for your specific lawn type. If you're unsure whether your lawn might be sensitive to the product, conduct a test on a small, inconspicuous area first. Wait 3 weeks to observe the results before applying the product to the entire lawn.
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Yates Weed 'n' Feed products are herbicides and may kill plants if incorrectly applied.
If you accidentally spray nearby plants with Yates Weed 'n' Feed Hose-On or Yates Weed 'n' Feed Concentrate, water plants thoroughly to remove the product from the leaves. Then, water the soil heavily to help dilute and flush away the product. Avoid drenching the roots of desired plants with Yates Weed 'n' Feed.
If you accidentally apply Yates Weed 'n' Feed Granular products to nearby plants, wash the product off the leaves and then water the soil to help dilute and remove any residue.
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Weed Control
Yates Weed 'n' Feed Concentrate/hose-on will not control or kill grassy weeds, such as Winter Grass, Paspalum, Nut Grass, or Onion Weed. It controls most broadlead weeds, like Bindii, Dandelion, Lamb's Tongue (Plantain) and Thistles. See What Weeds Does Yates Weed 'n' Feed Concentrate Control.
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A grassy weed is an unwanted grass that is growing in your lawn or garden, like Crabgrass, Paspalum, Nutgrass, or Onion Weed. They can sometimes be difficult to distinguish from your lawn, but may have a different blade, a distinctive seed head, or form in a clump or tuft as opposed to spreading with runners. Unfortunately, we don't have a selective herbicide for grassy weeds in lawns. You can use the Yates Zero Weeding Brush to apply Yates Zero Concentrate directly to the weeds, avoiding contact with the lawn. Take care when applying as it will kill any plants it contacts.
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Broadleaf weed is a general term for a weed with wide leaves that grow from a stem or central point. They often have a thin root system or a taproot as opposed to runners seen in most lawns. They will often stand out from the lawn with a completely different leaf shape and/or a flower. Common Broadleaf weeds include Bindii, Capeweed, Clovers, Cudweed, Dandelion, Docks, Lamb's Tongue (Plantains), Thistles, and Wireweed.
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No. Yates Weed 'n' Feed only treats weeds that are actively growing or visible in your lawn.
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Yates Weed 'n' Feed products will not control or kill Winter Grass. We recommend using Munns Professional Winter Grass Killer. Please wait at least 48 hours after application of Munns Professional Winter Grass Killer before applying Yates Weed 'n' Feed products.
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Yates Weed 'n' Feed Granular does not control grassy weeds like Winter Grass, Paspalum, Nut Grass, or Onion Weed. It is also ineffective on fine-leaved weeds such as Bindii and Creeping Oxalis, as the granules cannot properly cover these leaf surfaces.
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It can be difficult to control particular weeds growing within a lawn as the product must be formulated to target that weed without killing the grass as well. Some weeds have seeds, bulbs etc that can lay dormant and resprout, requiring repeat reapplications.
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If your lawn's weeds have already seeded, those seeds may lie dormant in the soil. After a Weed 'n' Feed application, a gap may form where light can reach, potentially causing new weeds to sprout. Since Yates Weed 'n' Feed contains fertiliser, it can also encourage weed growth. To manage this, reapply every 3 weeks for Yates Weed 'n' Feed Hose-On or Concentrate and every 6 weeks for Yates Weed 'n' Feed Granular to control regrowth. For the first application, timing is crucial - tackle weeds before they flower and set seed.
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Yates Weed 'n' Feed Hose-On/Concentrate is registered for the control of most broadleaf weeds, including Bindii, Capeweed, Clovers, Cudweed, Dandelion, Docks, Lamb's Tongue (Plantains), Thistles, and Wireweed.
It does not control grassy weeds like Nutgrass, Onion Weed, Paspalum or Winter Grass.
Do not use on Buffalo lawns as it will damage or potentially kill the lawn. For Buffalo lawns, choose products from the Yates Weed 'n' Feed Buffalo Lawn range.
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Yates Weed 'n' Feed Buffalo Lawn Hose-On is registered for the control of most broadleaf weeds, including Bindii, Capeweed, Clovers, Cudweed, Dandelion, Lamb's Tongue (Plantains), Thistles, and Wireweed.
It does not control grassy weeds like Nutgrass, Onion Weed, Paspalum or Winter Grass.
Do not use on Buffalo lawns as it will damage or potentially kill the lawn. For Buffalo lawns, choose products from the Yates Weed 'n' Feed Buffalo Lawn range.
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Yates Weed 'n' Feed Granular and Yates Weed 'n' Feed Buffalo Lawn Granular are registered for the control of Dandelions, Clover, Flatweeds, Thistles, and other broadleaf weeds in lawns.
These products do not control grassy weeds like Nutgrass, Onion Weed, Paspalum or Winter Grass.
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Visible signs of weed death (i.e. yellowing or wilting) occurs within a few days, with full effects in up to 3 weeks. Reapplications may be required for severe weed infestations. For ongoing control, reapply every 6 weeks.
If you are not seeing any visible signs of death, feel free to contact our team through Live Chat or our Contact Us form for help. We're here to assist you.
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Visible signs of weed death (i.e. yellowing or bronze colouring around the leaf edges, wilting) typically appear within 48 hours, with full effects taking up to 3 weeks. For severe infestations, reapplications may be necessary. If weeds are still present after 3 weeks, reapply as needed.
If you are not seeing any visible signs of death, feel free to contact our team through Live Chat or our Contact Us form for help. We're here to assist you.
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