Tomatoes remain one of the most popular fruiting vegies to grow at home. There's nothing quite like picking a warm, sun-ripened juicy tomato from your own backyard. This spring why not try growing some unusual and colourful heritage tomato varieties?

Yates® Tomato 'Heirloom Favourites' is a special lucky dip selection of heritage tomatoes in a variety of vibrant colours and delicious flavours. These time-honoured favourites taste the way tomatoes should! Tomatoes do best in well-drained soil in a warm position that receives at least 6 hours of sunshine a day. Yates Tomato Heirloom Favourites seed can be sown direct where the plants are to grow or raised in trays of Yates Seed Raising Mix and the seedlings transplanted when they're around 5-7 cm high. For cool climate gardeners, delay transplanting seedlings out into the vegie patch until the weather warms up and the chance of frost has passed.
For a productive tomato season, before planting enrich the soil in the vegie patch with some Yates Dynamic Lifter® Soil Improver & Plant Fertiliser. This adds valuable organic matter to the soil, improves soil structure and attracts earthworms and beneficial soil microorganisms.
Once the seedlings are established, feed tomato plants each week with Yates Thrive® Tomato Liquid Plant Food, which has been specially developed to promote healthy leaf growth and lots of flowers and tasty tomatoes.
You can start picking your very own heirloom tomatoes around 12 - 14 weeks after sowing seed.
Tomato care tip: common insect pests and diseases such as caterpillars, aphids, blight and mildews, can be controlled with weekly light dustings of Yates Tomato & Vegetable Dust.