Cyclamen spp.
Cyclamen spp.
Choose a pot with drainage holes and place it in a warm position with plenty of indirect light.
Fill half the pot with
.Position plant into the pot and fill in with remaining mix.
Water in well and keep moist. Avoid wetting the leaves.
Feed plants with Yates Thrive Indoor Plants Liquid Plant Food every 2-4 weeks during periods of flowering and leaf growth.
After your cyclamen has finished flowering, continue to water the plant regularly and lightly fertilise until the foliage begins to die off. Then place the pot in a shady part of the garden and keep it dry during the dormant period (summer). In autumn, the cyclamen will begin to re-sprout, if it hasn't, water the plant. In no time the plant will produce leaves and initiate flowers.
Most of the time when a Cyclamen's leaves wilt, or droop, it is a watering issue. Only water when the potting mix or soil is starting to dry out slightly. Water in the morning, and avoid overhead watering - you can do this by using a watering can that has a long and thin spout, or by sitting the pot in a saucer of water and then removing it after an hour or so.
Cyclamens are sometimes attacked by Mites and Thrips. Mites feed on the under surface of the leaf and can cause the leaf to curl. Remove the affected leaves and spray with OCP eco-organic Ready to Use Insect Killer. Ensure you spray underneath the leaf for good control. Monitor your plants closely and re-apply, if needed.
Cyclamens are also vulnerable to Root Rot diseases, Grey Mould and Powdery Mildew.