Litchi chinensis
How to Grow Lychee
They say good things come in small packages, and that's certainly the case for Lychees! The white flesh of this small red tropical fruit is wonderfully sweet and oh-so moreish. These evergreen trees make beautiful shade trees and garden features too, reaching heights of 2-5 m (or taller, if left unpruned) and will happily grow in subtropical and tropical climates, although, they can also be grown in warm frost-free temperate zones. You'll have to be patient though, as trees can take four years or more to fruit.
Climate Zone, Where and When to Grow
Climate zone: Lychees grow best in frost-free warm temperate, tropical and subtropical climates with cool, dry winters.
When to grow: Lychees can be planted year-round, but during spring and early autumn, when conditions are mild, makes it easier for new plants to establish.
Where to grow: Grow Lychees in a wind-protected spot with at least six hours of direct sunlight, in moist well-drained soil.
Growing time: Lychees grown from cuttings will start to fruit after around four years. Seed grown trees can take much longer to fruit (if at all).
When to harvest: Different varieties mature at different times, but peak harvest season is during summer, when the skin is completely red.
How to harvest: Cut off clusters of fruit using secateurs.
Full sun
Well drained, enriched with organic matter
Mid summer to early autumn
All year round in tropics and warm sub-tropics.