1. Eliminate as far as practical, all alternative food sources.2. Place or toss sachets along walls or rafters and in dark, sheltered spots where there are signs of rodent activity.3. Mice require several feeding locations, with 1 sachet per location, NOT more than 3m apart. Rats require large quantities of bait placed in 1 or 2 locations, 2 to 4 sachets per location, NOT more than 9m apart.4. Record the number and locations of sachets for the purpose of replacement and later removal.5. Inspect sachets daily and replace when all bait is eaten. If eaten quickly, increase number of sachets. continue observation and replacement until no more baits are taken. Remove bait and scahets when rodent activity has ceased.6. Look for and collect dead rats or mice. Dispose of carcasses by wrapping in paper, placing in plastic bag and putting in garbage.