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Blue-grey ribbed skin and sweet, dry, rich orange flesh. Firm and reliable. Excellent storage qualities.
- Firm dry flesh
- Large fruit
- Best for baking
Climate Guide
- Tropical & Sub-Tropical All Year Around
- Temperate Spring & Early Summer
- Cool Mid Spring to Early Summer
How to Grow
Full sun
For early sowing, raise in pots of Yates Seed Raising Mix in a well-lit, protected spot. Transplant after 3-4 weeks. For direct sowing press 3-4 seeds into mounds of moist soil 1m apart. Later thin to the two strongest plants.
Select a sunny, well-drained position. Add compost and Yates Blood & Bone before planting. When vines are carrying plenty of flowers, pinch off ends to contain growth. Harvest as the vine dies off, and the stalk turns brown. Protect from snails and slugs with Yates Blitzem.
Great companion plant for corn, marjoram, beans and radishes. Provide growing plants with plenty of water at root level. Poor fruiting is usually caused by heat and/or water stress, particularly when young.