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Seed Count 900
Seed Count 900
Dainty blooms in mauve, blue and white are dotted over compact clumps of finely cut foliage.
- Annual
- Garden beds, edges & baskets
- Long display
Climate Guide
- Tropical & Sub-Tropical Late Autumn & Winter
- Temperate Spring, Early Summer
- Cool Spring, Early Summer
Approximate Seed Count
How to Grow
Full sun
Sow direct where they are to grow or into trays of Yates Seed Raising Mix. Cover very lightly, firm down and keep moist until germination occurs. Transplant when about 3-4cm high.
Choose a sunny, well drained position. This hardy plant will tolerate a poor soil and requires little attention once established. Fertilise occasionally with Garden Gold For Natives. Protect from snails and slugs with Yates Blitzem.
Trim plants regularly after flushes of flowers to maintain bushy habit and to promote longer flowering.