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Seed Count 35
Seed Count 35
Nigella, also known as Love-in-a-Mist, has fernlike foliage that makes a delicate background for the attractive flowers.
- Grow as annual
- Beds & borders
- Dried flowers
Climate Guide
- Tropical & Sub-Tropical Late Summer to Autumn
- Temperate Late Summer to Early Autumn
- Cool Late Summer to Early Autumn
Approximate Seed Count
How to Grow
Full sun or part shade
Sow direct where they are to grow. Thinly scatter seed and cover lightly. Firm down and keep moist through germination period. Thin out when large enough to handle.
Choose a sunny or partly shaded position. Add Yates Blood & Bone before planting and fertilise regularly with Yates Thrive Soluble Plant Food. Protect from snails and slugs with Yates Blitzem Snail & Slug Pellets.
Remove spent blooms to prolong the flowering period and encourage new flowers. To make long-lasting dried specimens, cut seed heads before they burt open.