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Seed Count 55
Seed Count 55
Compact bushes produce a long lasting display of bold and bright blooms in a wide range of colours.
- Perennial
- Pots & borders
- Long flowering
Climate Guide
- Tropical & Sub-Tropical Winter and Spring
- Temperate Spring to Early Summer
- Cool Spring to Early Summer
Approximate Seed Count
How to Grow
Full sun
Sow direct where they are to grow or into trays of Yates Seed Raising Mix. Firm down, water gently and keep moist but not too wet through the germination period. Transplant when large enough to handle.
Choose a sunny, well-drained position. Add Yates Blood & Bone before planting and fertilise regularly with Yates Thrive Soluble Plant Food. Keep well watered. Protect from snails and slugs with Yates Blitzem.
Remove spent flowers regularly. Cut plants to the ground after foliage has died in late autumn. In cold areas lift tubers and store over winter for replanting next spring. Tubers may be left in the ground in warmer areas if soil is well drained.