The basics for success to container gardening are:
Don't have too small a pot – it will dry out too quickly and will need to be watered often.
Use a good-quality potting mix. Look for the Australian Standards mark on the bag.
Water with a water-breaker (not a nozzle) attached to the end of a hose.
Don't allow the base of the pot to sit in water.
Remember potting mixes need more fertiliser than soil. Feed regularly during the growing season with a soluble plant food, such as Thrive.
Wear gloves if possible and wash hands after handling potting mix.

This information is from the Yates Garden Guide: fully revised & updated 44th edition, HarperCollins, $39.99. You can have this information and so much more at your fingertips by purchasing the Yates Garden Guide, available at all leading bookstores and Bunnings stores.